Funderade länge..
Here it comes............ •∞
Zayn is a boy in his late teens. He lives in the UK and is 1/5 of members in the seccessful X factor boyband One Direction.
He has his family in Bradford but he lives in London.
Zayn's hair has a quiff, darkbrown with blonde highlights in it. It's a bit curly and pretty long.
The best thing about him on his looks is his brown eyes, they are just so perfect.
His eyelashes are long and thin & the eyebrows is thick.
Zayn is very amusing, he's funny and he has the most special voice. He is friendy, but he can seems like a "bad boy" becasue that's his style but still fashionable.
He can be a bit shy, but that's what makes him so adoreble!
I also want to kiss his thin lips. Haha!
There are so many reasons why I love this boy to pieces. When I feel bad, depressed or sad he always makes me smile. He and the whole band take away the pain.
His singing voice makes my heart race. I can't describe how much he means to me. I ddon't know where I would be if I had'nt found out about them.
And they are the reason why I simle today.
Why Im chasing my dream. He is such a big inspiration to me.
I love him, Harry, Liam, Niall and Louis from the bottom of my endless heart.
-What my teacher wrote after reading this.
" Oh, what a portrait of love! I can really feel your strong feelings for him while reading. I was so curious to see what he looked like, so i looked him up on internet. He looks very cute.
Very Well Done!"
This essay was about writing a portrait of ONE person who is important in your life. And I choosed Zayn, becasue, it's thanks to him I found about of One Direction. And you see, I love him more than.. I love him as much as so many Directioners does.
I didn't feel like I only wrote from my heart, it was like every Directioner's hearts was screaming to me. I wish that I could've wrote about everyone, but I could'nt. I love them all so so so much.
This is the third time I wrote about them in a classthing. Or, yeah, about the 1D family.
You all means so much to me. I love you all!
And.. I hope that Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry sees this. Or, atleast one of them. Even if I don't think that it will ever happen. But, Dare To Dream
Zayn is a boy in his late teens. He lives in the UK and is 1/5 of members in the seccessful X factor boyband One Direction.
He has his family in Bradford but he lives in London.
Zayn's hair has a quiff, darkbrown with blonde highlights in it. It's a bit curly and pretty long.
The best thing about him on his looks is his brown eyes, they are just so perfect.
His eyelashes are long and thin & the eyebrows is thick.
Zayn is very amusing, he's funny and he has the most special voice. He is friendy, but he can seems like a "bad boy" becasue that's his style but still fashionable.
He can be a bit shy, but that's what makes him so adoreble!
I also want to kiss his thin lips. Haha!
There are so many reasons why I love this boy to pieces. When I feel bad, depressed or sad he always makes me smile. He and the whole band take away the pain.
His singing voice makes my heart race. I can't describe how much he means to me. I ddon't know where I would be if I had'nt found out about them.
And they are the reason why I simle today.
Why Im chasing my dream. He is such a big inspiration to me.
I love him, Harry, Liam, Niall and Louis from the bottom of my endless heart.
-What my teacher wrote after reading this.
" Oh, what a portrait of love! I can really feel your strong feelings for him while reading. I was so curious to see what he looked like, so i looked him up on internet. He looks very cute.
Very Well Done!"
This essay was about writing a portrait of ONE person who is important in your life. And I choosed Zayn, becasue, it's thanks to him I found about of One Direction. And you see, I love him more than.. I love him as much as so many Directioners does.
I didn't feel like I only wrote from my heart, it was like every Directioner's hearts was screaming to me. I wish that I could've wrote about everyone, but I could'nt. I love them all so so so much.
This is the third time I wrote about them in a classthing. Or, yeah, about the 1D family.
You all means so much to me. I love you all!
And.. I hope that Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry sees this. Or, atleast one of them. Even if I don't think that it will ever happen. But, Dare To Dream
Detta skrev jag på en uppsatts på engelskan förra veckan tror jag de va.
Förde sedan över texten till min twitlonger. Sen förklarar jag varför jag endast beskrev en person, eftersom jag älskar dem alla. So, that's it.
Jag skämms inte för att berätta för världen. jag är stolt över att våga vara mig själv till 100% och ingen ska någonsin få ändra på det. Jag har varit nere på botten och är påväg mot toppen.

Fy faen vad fint. Läste det på twitlonger förut, när du skicka till alla i 1D :)