Little Things ♥
Pretty Little Liars themesong. Creepy. Men ändå.. Bra? Jag sjunger på den hela tiden, fast det inte precis är någon godnatt sång för min del.. ;)
The Janoskians
Låten släpptes idag och jag älskar den. ♥
Försökte att hitta nått program på mobilen så jag kunde fixa den helaskoldagen, men det gick inte..Men nu har jag den, yäy!
Förresten, Jai, han älskar Ariana och dom pratar med varandra. Världens finaste par eller? :D
Så, allt jag behöver göra för att 1D ska upptäcka mig är att bli känd på ett bra sätt.
Wish me luck!
Haha, mycket "wish me luck" idag! ;)
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Togehter.
Like, EVER.
UK har One Direction, Sverige har Ulrik Munther ♥ Båda två är stora delar av mitt liv dessutom. Loveloveloveloooove! Bara att se 1D, sen kan jag dö lycklig ;)
TJENA. haha fatta hur töntigt det låter egentligen? Haha garvar för mig själv.
Iallafall så ska lilla jag gå och lägga mig nu, är inte trött men är jäkligt irriterad så lika bra. Dock så kollade jag precis på nysläppta Justin Biebers - as long as you love me musik video (minifilm)
Och den som inte tycker att han kan dansa kan ju ta och fisa lite, för så mycket bryr jag mig.
Han dansar sexxeh. Lookin' good JB! ♥
More Than This.
Liam: Im broken, do you hear me. I am blinded, but you are everything I see. Im dancing, alone. Im praying, that your heart will just turn around. And as I walk up to your door. My head turns to face the floor. Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say..
Harry: When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight. It just won't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this. Yeah. When he lays you down, I might just die inside. It just don't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this.
Niall: If Im louder, would you see me. Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me. Cause we are the same. You save me. But when you leave it's gone again.
Louis: And then I see you one the street. In his arms, I get weak. My body fails, Im on my knees. Prayin'.
Harry: When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight. It just won't feel right. Cause I can love you more than his. Yeah. When he lays you down, I might just die inside. It just don't feel right.
Zayn: I never had the words to say. But now Im asking you to stay. For a little while inside my arms. And as you close you eyes tonight. I pray that you will see the light. That's shining for the stars above.
Liam: When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight. It just won't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this. Cause I can love you more than this!
Harry: When he lays you down, I might just die inside. It just won't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this. Yeah. When he opens his arms and holds you slose tonight. It just won't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this. When he lays you down, I might just die inside. It just don't feel right. Cause I can love you more than this.
Liam: Can love you more than this..
Det är ju otroligt tråkig text utan musikenn liksom. Jag själv har ju alla melodierna i huvudet, så jag sjunger ju med. Men ni lär ju inte precis söka reda på låtar på youtube och lyssna igenom. :p Haha. Jag vet ju inte heller vilka det är som läser min blogg. Jag vet hur många antal (och jag är chockad), men jag vet inte vilken ålder eller så det rör sig om. Såå. Ni får göra det bästa av saken! :)
Nu måste jag bara lyssna igenom låtarna, haha.
Liam: Shut the door, turn the light of. I wanna be with you. I wanna feel your love. I wanna lay beside you. I cannot hinde this even though I try. Hearts beats harden. Time escapes me. Trembling hands touch skin. It makes this hard girl. And the tears strems down my face.
Harry: If we could only have this life, for one more day. If we could only turn back time.
Everyone: You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart. Is breathing for this. Moment in time I'll find the words to say. Before you leave me today.
Niall: Close the door. Throw the key. Don't wanna be reminded. Don't wanna be seen. Don't wanna be without you. My judgement is clouded. Like the tonights sky.
Louis: Undecided. Voice is numb. Try to scream out my lungs. But it makes this harder. And the tears streams down my face.
Harry: If we could only have this life for one more day. If we could only turn back time.
Everyone: Youknow I'll be. Your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart. Is breathing for this. Moment in time. I'll find the words to say. Before you leave me today.
Zayn: Flashes left in my mind. Going back to the time. Playing games in the street. Kicking balls whit my feet. Dancing on whit my toes. Sanding close to the edge. There's a part of my clothes at the end of your bed. As I feel myself fall. Make a joke of it all.
Everyone: You know I'll be your life, your vocie, your reason to be. My love, my heart. Is breathing for this. Moment in time. I'll find the words to say. Before you leave me today.
You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart. Is breathing for this. Moment in time. I'll find the words to say. Before you leave me today.
visste ni att denna låt handlar om att en tjej dör och ja. Resten förstår ni nog. Tycker den är jäkla fin och en av mina "nu-vill-jag-gråta-ut" låtar.
Same Mistakes.

Liam:Wake up, we both need to wake up. Maybe we face up to this. We can make it through this. Closer, maybe we'll be closer. Stronger than we were before yeah. Made this something more, yeah.
Zayn:Think that we got more time. One more falling behind. Gotta make up my mind.
Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games. And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change. And we take, take, take it for granted. That it will be the same. But we're making all the same mistakes. Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is. When it's broken, you say there's nothing fix. And you pray,pray,pray that everything will be okay. Why you're making all the same mistakes.
Liam:Don't look back. But if we don't look back. We're only running babe. Out of me, cause ain't this same mistakes again.
Everyone:So we play,play,play all the same old games. And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change. And we take,take,take it for granted it will be the same. But we're making all the same mistakes. Yeah,yeah, that's what crazy is. When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix. And you pray,pray, pray that everything will be okay. Why you're making all the same mistakes.
One Direction - Same Mistakes. One of my favorites.
Now, Im going to write my two other favs.
Babe har en tvilling?..
VAS HAPPINEN?!?!?! Håret, öronpercingen, kläderna.. ALLT. Dock gjorde jag ju inte som dom andra och trodde att det va Zayn först, så lika är dom inte. Men han ser ut som Zayn & sjunger som Louis, det är alltså en bra sak. Haha och Pikachu, ahaha. Nej, men det borde vara hans storebror eller så, för *finner inga ord*. Zayn måste ljuga när han säger att han bara har tre systrar..
I still prefer the boys, always.♥
Right Now:
Lyssnar sönder denna just nu. Jag kommer verkligen avsky denna låt sen, haha. Eller kanske inte? :)
Så.. Underbar låt!